What is net zero and how do we get there?

Hadley HOME is committed to supporting global efforts to limit the disastrous effects of climate change. Here’s how we are ensuring our modular homes are helping to achieve net zero. 

Tackling a climate in crisis

At Hadley we recognise that the actions that organisations like ours take have consequences for the stability of the climate, and the health of our global societies. That’s why we’re stepping up to our responsibility to take action on the global climate crisis.

We have committed to achieving net zero carbon across all our operations. This means decarbonising all our assets in alignment with the UK Government’s goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and in accordance with the UN Paris Agreement. 

Hadley recognises the importance of taking action today. So in keeping with this commitment we aim to deliver net zero carbon emissions capability across all of our homes by 2030. We will also develop our ability to analyse and monitor the embodied carbon emissions involved in the construction of our homes. 

What does net zero mean?

It is our commitment that all Hadley homes will achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

In simple terms, reaching net zero for Hadley will mean that the amount of energy consumed by one of our homes will be balanced out by the energy it produces using renewable technology. 

   How our homes will achieve net zero emissions

All Hadley homes achieve Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings of ‘A’. We are among only 1% of UK homes to do so.

Here are some of the measures we’re taking to achieve net zero:

  • Reducing carbon emissions generated from home use
  • Reducing energy consumption by reducing heat loss
  • Improving the energy efficiency of each home
  • Installing energy-efficient equipment such as heat sources, lighting, and ventilation 
  • Utilising clean energy sources such as solar panels
  • Monitoring lifetime carbon use of our homes

Monitoring whole-life carbon use

We are developing our understanding of the whole-life carbon usage during the lifetime of our homes.

This means monitoring carbon emissions across:

The materials we use

Our manufacturing process

The transportation of our homes and products

Our home construction process

Future repair work and general maintenance

Replacement costs for our homes

How we are adapting to climate change

Although meeting our global climate goals is vital to ensuring the safety of people and the planet, this will not completely stop climate change.

Because of this it is important that we take future changes in climate into consideration in all aspects of our site development; and minimise the impact of climate change on our homes. 

Reducing the impact of modular home construction

Utilising cutting-edge modular home construction techniques gives us greater control over the amount of carbon emissions we produce. 

We implement a range of measures to reduce the amount of carbon emissions produced during the construction of our homes, and we will continue to measure and monitor the energy use of our construction sites. 

We are committed to responsibly sourcing the materials used in the construction of our homes. This means endeavouring to understand the amount of embodied carbon present in our construction materials, and specifying low-impact materials where possible. 

Sustainable homes by Hadley

We build our modular homes using cutting-edge construction techniques and industry-leading specifications. This allows us to effectively monitor the environmental impact of our homes.

To find out more about how we are building the sustainable, high-quality homes of the future visit our modular home page or contact us today.

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