Is Modular Housing Sustainable?

As governments worldwide pledge their commitment to Net Zero targets, particularly on the heels of the recent COP 26 conference, there’s a reason why modular construction and prefab homes have been viewed so fondly and why they continue to build recognition, along with financial support.

Modular construction means a great deal of control, particularly when compared to traditional construction methods. Greater control over each element of modular buildings means greater monitoring over the amount of energy used, along with resulting carbon emissions.

The result is a quality monitored, smarter (and often faster) way to build, tackling the affordable housing crisis and the climate crisis head on, simultaneously. Modular housing, as an advancement of prefab housing is quickly becoming the front runner for sustainability in the construction industry.

In light of this, HOME by Hadley aims to achieve Net Zero on carbon emissions on all of our products by 2030.

Is Modular Construction More Sustainable?

We are committed to working together towards this Net Zero goal in a number of effective ways:

Reduced lead time: advanced methods of construction in the factory environment can halve traditional construction build times on site, which also reduces noise pollution as builds are far quicker.

Reduced material waste: The factory waste streams are segmented so waste is recycled or stored without further transport for future projects wherever possible.

Reduction in energy use for construction: Construction in a factory-controlled environment tends to be more energy efficient than mobile power generation, with access to the right range of tools, jigs, fixtures and fittings being readily available, there and then

Reduced transport impact: By optimising loads, less deliveries are required to the factory and modular construction can reduce site deliveries by up to 90% which vastly reduces the impact to the community and surrounding environment.

Through the AMC processes employed by Hadley, we are empowered to minimise waste, achieve very high standards of energy performance and minimise transportation where needed, improving air quality as a result.

Are Modular Buildings Better for the Environment?

HOME by Hadley is committed to reducing fuel poverty and making smarter use of energy, less waste and driving down energy bill costs as we get closer to net zero in 2030. It is only through the perfection of sustainable methods in both building and living that we achieve our long term goal.

Support for the reduce, reuse and recycle initiative: unique to a modular construction is the ease with which structures can be disassembled, either to be reused in an alternative location, reconfigured for renovation or recycled for a new project to reduce waste.

Green fixtures, fittings and finishes: The HOME building by Hadley comes loaded with eco-focused features, like kinetic light switches, low voltage LED lighting, intuitive water systems, occupancy sensors, batteries for energy storage and high performance windows for optimised use of natural light.

Increased energy-efficiency: Modular buildings create sustainable homes that require less energy, heat or air conditioning to maintain its internal temperature due to a lower thermal mass than a traditional construction, making it optimised for sustainable living; energy bills can be further reduced by using solar panels.

One of HOME’s key efficiency features, and a strong example of this is our MEP systems, which takes heat from the outside air and transfers it to a hot water storage tank and heating distribution system.

To learn more about sustainability in modular homes, both in the construction process and running modular homes, learn more about Hadley HOME’s continued environmental stewardship here.


We’re shaping the future of housing, delivering truly innovative quality living spaces which people will love whilst working to tackle the UK’s housing crisis, and minimise waste and energy consumption.

Our Homes

From the Hadley heartland of Oldbury in the Midlands, HOME living spaces are designed and constructed to consumer needs using precision engineering and best in class Advanced Methods of Construction.