The Industry’s Manufacturer of Choice
From the Hadley heartland of Oldbury in the Midlands, HOME living spaces are designed and constructed to consumer needs using Hadley’s world renowned precision engineering and best in class Advanced Methods of Construction.
Partnering with others in the industry, Hadley already enable the creation of thousands of comfortable, secure homes every year. In fact, over the last five years, Hadley Steel Framing has supplied over 800,000 square metres of steel framing systems into the construction market.
Our experience set us apart from other housing providers, and we’re now delivering quality assured modular living spaces with HOME. Our capabilities mean we’re able to drive up quality and productivity whilst driving down costs, spending less time on site, and shrinking the construction industry’s carbon footprint.

Up to 80% Pre-Manufactured Value
From individual components, to frame and panel systems, to bathroom and kitchen pods, to volumetric housing modules, prefab facades, foundations and roofing. With access to Hadley’s international patented UltraSTEEL® and Hadley Steel Framing, HOME is able to deliver up to 80% pre-manufactured value.

Window profiles, doors and living space elements, designed from the ground up by our in house architects. Everything is tailored for exceptional living conditions from the very beginning.
Hadley’s world renowned steel framing capabilities provide the backbone to Hadley HOME units; this is where the future of modular construction takes shape.
Where Modern Methods of construction come together, using precision engineering to manufacture HOME panelling systems in their hundreds, daily.
Expertly crafted, spacious bathroom and kitchen pods for faster and more efficient modern utilities with conveniently designed plumbing and integrated with smart tech, for safer, more enjoyable living.
Including prefab facades, foundations and roofing complete the HOME with an increased Pre-manufactured value of up to 80%.
The importance of PMV (Pre-Manufactured Value) explained and its direct influence on the success of MMC.
View PDFThe Benefits of HOME
Our Homes
From the Hadley heartland of Oldbury in the Midlands, HOME living spaces are designed and constructed to consumer needs using precision engineering and best in class Advanced Methods of Construction.
Net Zero
At HOME, we recognise that the actions that organisations like ours take have consequences for the stability of the climate, and the health of our global societies.